Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Stop Growing Up!

What a busy past week it was for us! The girls had another dance recital at the Covey Center, and did a fabulous job. I did the flowers for the event once again, so between that and running them to rehearsals and performances, I was utterly beat by this week! Thanks to all those who came and supported them--it means so much to them! As Todd and I started to look through some of the pictures from the weekend, my heart sunk as I realized just how big my girls are getting (could have been all that stage makeup)but still--they need to stop growing! Before I know it, they will be breaking hearts right and left. Softy Dad is going to have to get tough if he is going to compete with the fellas that come knocking! Good thing that won't be for a long while yet, if I have anything to do with it.

Still, it makes me realize just how old I'm getting. This weekend I celebrate my, ahem, 33rd birthday. Am I really? It sounds so old to me because it was the ripe old age that my father lived to. I also look back on my life and FEEL like high school graduation wasn't really 15 years ago, was it? I need to enjoy life's moments a bit more because really, in another short 15 years, I will most likely be a grandma and my kids will be driving, married. . . oh the thought makes my head swim! So, I demand right here and now that they stop growing up, fly to Never Never Land and stay little forever. Because this "swimming head" of mine doesn't need any more gray hairs than it already has!


Adam and Jana said...

I would have to agree- the kids do need to stop growing up! It is going way too fast!

Nathan Lyman said...

I am with ya. Kids grow way to fast. And yes, your kids are all little heartbreakers....darling. Those boys better watch out!!!! (this is NAtalie, not NAte)

David and Jana said...

Oh I agree as well. I really don't know where the time goes. Does Davy really start Kindergarten next year? I am pretty sure we graduated from High school 5 years ago, not 15...ahh!