Thursday, December 30, 2010

Great Christmas Memory

This year was filled with smiles, laughter, gift-giving and pleasant conversations.
But one moment stands above the rest.

D's round trip airfare from Orlando to SLC : $400.
Gas to bring Ty to see Uncle D on Christmas Day: $5.
Detergent to clean shown spit-up: $7.99.
The look on Uncle D's face whilst noticing said nephew barfing all over him: Priceless.

Thursday, December 23, 2010

2010 Hillam Christmas Card

Dear Loved Ones,

I SWORE I would never be one of those people who sent out a mass Christmas card, but here I am just hours before Christmas getting posted. Oh well, at least I'm doing it--though I have been tempted more than once to bag it all together! I know it seems rather impersonal, but with the craziness that this season brings, and in my attempt to cut costs, this is not only efficient, but cheap! Another advantage would be that I am getting this out to way more people that I would have with a postage stamp. Let’s face it, technology is great! So, here is our brief Christmas letter. I hope it finds you well, happy and getting ready to enjoy a fabulous Christmas with those you love!

Love to you all,
Click image to enlarge and read.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Turnback Tuesday Christmas

The Elves are ready. . . are you?

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Nuggets from my Day

1. I witnessed a reunion of old friends, one being a cashier at a grocery store, the other a patron. I overheard one say it had been over 20 years. As jaws dropped and numbers were exchanged, I was glad to see the people in line waiting patiently. What lifted my heart even more was watching the woman walk out to her car, groceries in hand, wearing a smile from ear to ear, her mind surely racing through all the memories from years gone by. Good old fashioned connections without the help of Facebook. This sort of magic doesn't happen every day.

2. My little Colby loves bubble gum, but not just any bubble gum. He loves the kind you can get at a store with a "big penny". In fact, he is asking Santa for his very own bubble gum machine for Christmas. Before even going into the store today, he asked if I had a "big penny" so he could have some bubble gum. Luckily this particular store has a machine that, believe it or not, really only costs a penny. I had three. So I decided to be a generous Mommy and let him use all three to get three gumballs. He quickly ate one and we went about our shopping. Minutes later I notice he is still holding two gumballs, red and yellow melting all over his hands. I ask him why he isn't eating them and he said he was saving them for Daddy and Andrew. No matter how much I tried to convince him to just eat them (the Mom in me doesn't like the mess!) he insisted on saving them. There they sat, on our counter, color faded away, until big brother and Daddy got home. Today, from my 3-year old, I learned the true spirit of giving.

3. This morning, after the older kids had gone to school, I sat eating breakfast with Todd. Colby was near the Christmas tree and had picked up two ornaments that had fallen. He was quite concerned and couldn't figure out how to get them up on the tree again because the hooks (or "hookers" as he called them) were missing. He kept saying, "Daddy, you need to go find some more hookers! Go get some more hookers!" Todd and I quietly bust up laughing. Todd answered him with, "Okay, well, we will have to ask your Mom about that. " Naughty Toddy.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Funny Friday

I know this video is spreading like wildfire.
Over 16 million hits already.
But what better way to ring in the Christmas season
than with a Christmas Flash Mob?
I never get sick of them.
Besides, these guys are really good!
I want to do one somewhere, someday.
Who's with me?

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Turnback Tuesday

May today be "tattooed on your soul".

The top of USS Arizona in its watery grave, the final resting place for hundreds of soldiers.
These many years later, oil still spills from it.
Many say that it "still bleeds" from the wounds of that day.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Thoughtful Thursday

It has been a rough week around here.
To say that I am sleep-deprived. . . .
well, it just doesn't quite cut it.

Last week, Todd was here:

And I was a single Mom.
Kudos to all those women who do it, or have done it.
I thought Motherhood was tough, but doing it alone?
That's a different game.
Luckily my man made up for it with Belgian chocolate
and a deliciously fragrant mango bar of soap,
and some goodies for the kids, of course.

So, while he was doing this,
and peeing, I mean, seeing stuff like this
I was waking up several times a night.
In fact, it got so ridiculous one night, that I decided to write it down--so I can laugh about it later.

This was my Saturday night. I had gone to bed with a migraine, had taken medication, so wasn't sleeping well anyway. Needless to say, I was a zombie at church. No wonder so many people asked if I was tired (plus the fact that I spaced putting on my mascara that day! Yikes!)

12:30 - I turned my lights out and laid back on my pillow.
12:40 - Ty cries. I get up to feed him.
1:00 - Colby comes into my bed with a "I don't want to sleep in my bed."
1:30 - I can't sleep when kids are kicking me, so I take Colby back to bed.
1:40 - Ty cries again. I go in to rock him back to sleep.
2:00 - Kendra comes in, tells me she has just thrown up, crawls into bed with me.
2:45 - Ty cries. I go in rock him. Doesn't work. I end up feeding him again.
3:30 - Andrew crawls into bed with me, shaking, says he had a bad dream. Cuddle him to sleep.
4:00 - Ty cries. I ignore him until he stops.
4:30 - Too many kids in my bed. I can't sleep. I carry Andrew back to bed.
5:30 - Colby comes in and wants to sleep by me. I take him back to bed.
6:30 - I finally doze off for the "night".
8:30 - Colby comes in and wants me to make him breakfast.

Then Todd came home.
Kids have had us up every night since,
fevering, vomiting, coughing.
My sickies needed us.

This is Parenthood.
And, believe it or not, I'm okay with it.
Because I know it won't last forever.
I love my babies.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Family Pictures

Wanna see some family shots, like the one above,
taken by my awesome photographer/neighbor/friend?
Go over here.
Her name is Tracie.
Hire her.
She's good!
BTW, these are just samples.
There are more great shots
where these ca
me from!

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Sunday Reflection

A friend shared this with me this week,
and it has inspired me to forgive
perhaps those I haven't in the past.
I hope it will do the same for you.
Just as it did this amazing man.
For those who haven't seen it yet,
grab a tissue. . .

Friday, November 12, 2010

Funny Friday

My kids quote this part from Bedtime Stories
and giggle crazy-like every single time.
(Particularly the alligator part.)
Didn't care for the movie so much,
but this part had me in fits!
Enjoy your Friday and
remember to laugh!

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Nightly News, Radio Show and The Tooth Fairy

Because some of you have asked about it, I thought I'd post the latest news report on my budgeting program. Here you go:

There was also a radio show done with Cristie telling my story and giving advice. She tells what we have been working on thus far. If you have time and wish to listen, here you go. Oh, the "Curtis" caller at the end is my brother-in-law. What a goober.

Here is this week's blog entry. If you wish to follow along each week, just click on the icon on my sidebar or go to Imagine a Happier You. Thanks to all those who have been so supportive through all this! It has been a ride that is for sure!

The Tooth Fairy Dilemma

I’ve got a dilemma. This dilemma adorns wings, a wand and a sack full of teeth. She most definitely carries around something else. Money. With three children now losing teeth, what used to be a fun, irregular occurrence is now turning into a thorn in my side, and my wallet.

When the dentist happened to mention in September that my oldest would be losing seven or eight teeth very soon, I brushed it off thinking, oh, they will fall out one-by-one over the next year or so. Surely he jests.

It all began last month, the weekend of our anniversary getaway. My mother-in-law arrived to watch the kids and just as Todd and I were rushing out the door, my 10-year old exclaimed, “Guess what!? I pulled my tooth at school today!” I answered her, but my widened eyeballs shot to Mom, “Oh, you did? Wow. . . . that’s great! I sure hope the tooth fairy comes tonight. . . .” That’s when Mom’s eyeballs widened. She bit her lip, as I came to learn later out of concern that she would forget to wear her wings that night. After all, it had been many years since she had been faced with this situation. I sneaked her a dollar bill and ran out the door.

The next day I heard the entire story, from both sides. Mom didn’t forget. Whew. There was a letter exchange involved. What?! Now I have to write letters? And, perhaps the most disappointing, Mom informed me that she added another dollar bill to the reward. Two dollars for a tooth? Perhaps I am turning into an old fuddy-duddy. Perhaps I have been blinded from the reality of inflation, but I remember when I was pleased as punch to find a nickel under my pillow. How was I going to live up to $2 with subsequent teeth? Mom had now doubled the expectation from our norm .50-$1 range. Thanks Mom!

Since then, my 10-year-old has lost two more teeth and informed me this morning that she will be pulling another one tonight. Oh ,and by the way, she has another three loose and let’s not forget younger brother and sister who wiggle their loose teeth daily in hopes of finding their $2 under their pillow. My kids feel life is totally unfair when so-an-so at school tells them they got a $5 bill for a tooth! Really? Sheesh.

Do I really need to make a special budget category for lost teeth? If so, how much should be budgeted? The Tooth Fairy has already disappointed my daughter when each subsequent lost tooth only generated $1 each. Todd simply explained that each tooth has a different value to them. Am I being too stingy? I am almost starting to believe that this little Fairy is the one who has been hacking in and taking all our money!

It’s not just Tooth Fairy money I lack a budget for. It is the other little occurrences like money for the occasional school lunch, classroom donations, a gift for the birthday party your child just got invited to, etc. To those who have young kids — Help! What is the going rate for teeth these days? And what do you suggest for these once-in-a-great-while happenings when it comes to my budget?

Dear Tooth Fairy: Will you please reward me with a wad of cash under my pillow if I leave you a handful of hair? Because, when it comes to budgeting for the little stuff, that is all that I seem to be losing these days!

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Turnback Tuesday

Today's is dedicated to two of my dearest friends ever.
Because, weirdly, it is their birthdays today.
Yes, both of them.
We have been friends since high school.
And now our kids are friends.
And so the cycle continues.

April and I became good friends after working together on student government at OHS.
(We would be the goofy gals on the ground.)
You always seem to know how to make me laugh.
Dawn and I became friends in high school aerobics class.
Then we roomed at Ricks College.
And I still see her several times a week.
Finding good friends like these is such a rare thing.
I am so blessed to have friends in my life.
That make me laugh,
Listen to my emotionality,
but love me all the same.

Happy Birthday you two.
Lunch today was too short.
But splendid.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Baptism Day

My sweet girl was baptized Saturday.
She was so nervous.
Even woke at 5 a.m. and couldn't, wouldn't go back to sleep.
Read 2 books.
She has anticipated this days for the last 365.
SO excited.
I learn from her.
When she met with the Bishop a few week prior and he asked
why she wanted to be baptized.
He answer was quick and simple,
"Because Jesus was."
Isn't that why we all should do things?
Because He did?
Everything will ultimately be aligned in my life
if I do as He did,
live as He would.
Lesson learned.
Thank you, my Alli.
You are beautiful.

Friday, November 5, 2010

Funny Friday

Since it is still technically Friday for another hour I thought I'd do a Funny Friday.
I read an article on the top toys for the year and I honestly can't believe that this is the #1 toy to get for Christmas. It's true! I saw it in the Family Fun magazine for this month!
What are we doing to our children?
Throw out educational, mind-stimulating toys and let's give them these?
Not happening here. . . .

Thursday, November 4, 2010

My Little Bug's B-day

Being the middle child, it seems like you always get the short end of the stick. Believe me, I am one. Because of this, I vowed to not dish out that short end to my kids. But I failed. Here I am two weeks later, posting about my little girl's birthday party. Bad Mom. Not only that, but we forgot our camera at home in another car, so the pictures she will have for posterity are from Todd's phone! It was her 8th birthday, so an important one. Despite all of this, she had a great day and is still celebrating.

Per tradition (from Todd's family), the 8th birthday is celebrated at the Lion House.

The Lion House really knows how to put on a great party!
The kids toured the house, learned about Brigham Young and his family and saw some of his collections--did you know he collected seashells? They even played pioneer games, had a taffy pull and ate sandwiches, veggies and homemade lemonade.

Grandma works downtown and stopped by for a surprise visit!
They made her a large cake, with a hidden gumball inside. Alli chose chocolate. Yum. The kids had cake and ice cream. Alli had to guess the disguised voice of the gift-giver behind her. Wasn't as easy as it looks!
They let her choose a porcelin doll to take home. She also got to take a crown and everyone got to take a goody bag home. Now she is counting down the hours until she is baptized. She is really looking forward to it.
Happy Birthday Little Bug!

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Happy Halloween

Want a rundown, photo style, of our crazy holiday?
Here goes:
The kids love carving pumpkins.
Correction: they love taking the stuff out
and having Daddy carve them.

Step 1: Take out the slimy guts.

We got a little bit carried away with our little guy and the pumpkins.
He didn't love it so much, but it sure makes for a cute picture!
Every year, I think there is no way Todd will top the pumpkins of last year.
And every year he proves me wrong.
Step 2: Pick out a picture you want, have Dad convert it and then carve it.
This year he did one per night.

Our oldest wanted ballet shoes. Here's what he came up with:
This would have to be my favorite!
Who is ready to place their orders for next year?

Once again, this year made for a great annual Hillam Halloween party.
Everyone was festive, the chili was divine and Missy, as usual, came prepared to wow the kids with games!
Thanks guys!

What's that you say?
You want close-ups?
I aim to please.

The gypsy.
The Jester.
Boba Fett.

Jango Fett.
Our Little Lion. (I still need to get a better picture of him--he was so cute!)
Oh, and let's not forget the psycho punk rockers, or "nutcrackers" as our 3 year old calls it.
This is so opposite of what Todd is--he was a bishop, remember!
As he took the kids out last night to trick or treat, there were people who were genuinely frightened for their kids! We had fun, though. Perhaps we missed our calling in life--we could have made some sweet rockers.

What a punk. . .
Hope you had a great Halloween!

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Turnback Tuesday

This post is dedicated to past Halloweens, and all the costumes (at least the last 5 years). . . .

(My fave would have to be Napoleon Dynamite!)
(The grumpy witch wins hands down! and no, folks, this wasn't an act!)
(Can you believe my little History Bug insisted on being Betsy Ross? Love that she loves history so much! And would someone get a bra for this man? PLEASE!?)
(I LOVE the pirate costume on my little boys-will it last for one more? Oh, and how do you like my $5 DI still-in-the-bag wench costume?)

(Okay, gotta go with the Jedi. So darn cute.)
Here's his closeup. He's shooting the Force through his eyeballs!
Also dedicated to this goofy fellow.
Grandpa Startup--always a supporter of Halloween (or any holiday for that matter)
who would have just celebrated his 92nd birthday.
We miss your laugh Grandpa--and of course, your funny costumes.

And to this little Miss.
Who just turned 8.
I love my girl.
Pictures of her day will follow. . . .
What are you being for Halloween?