Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Life's tough questions through a 5-year-old's mind

Questions today from my 5-year-old during a 5-minute span in the car:

"Mom, how do hippopotamuses break through walls?" (I guess referring to Madagascar? That's what he said anyway.)

"Mom, on Polar Express, how did the guy in the blue jacket go in the coals and didn't get burned?"

"Mom, how does a real man pull out a hippo's tooth?"

"For my birthday I want to go to the wood park."

"For my birthday I want a skateboard."

"Mom, when your baby is born, will I be 6?"

"How do babies have birthdays?"

"Do babies have baby friends? for their birthday parties?"

The best was this morning when he asked, "Mom, are you plegmant? If you're plegmant, does that mean you have a baby in your tummy?"

Other questions tonight:

"What is better to have? A horse or a dragon?" (He ultimately decided dragons are better because they can fly, that is unless he had a flying horse, like Pegasus, which launched a whole new conversation about unicorns.)

"Mom, what house did you live in when you got big like a mom?"

After kissing me square on the lips, he sadly declares (for the ump-teenth time), "Mommy, I really wanted to marry you."

Did I mention how much I love being a Mom?


David and Jana said...

I love Andrew!

Helen Macfarlane said...

Very sweet! All that hippo talk makes me think "Girl, you chunky." Love it.

Adam and Jana said...

So blessed you are to have such a sweet handsome little boy!