Sunday, September 14, 2008

Can I Give Him Five?

A few weekends ago, Todd and I took the kids to the first BYU home game--go Cougs! We sat close to the front, on an aisle seat. Those of you who know our little Drew also know that when he sets his mind on something, he perseveres until he accomplishes what he has so-stubbornly decided to do--(heck, I think I could say that about the other 3 as well!) Because we were so close to the front, he had a clear view of Cosmo and was determined to "give him five". Todd's mom, sweet, compassionate and the pushover-grandma that she is, picks him up and marches him right down to the front. All it took was a few shouts of his name and, even through the costume and all the crowd noise, he turned and came over to perma-grinned Andrew. He held out his hand and scored his own little touchdown with a high five from Cosmo the Cougar.
About a week later, we were in church, trying to listen to the speaker. Andrew was on the ground, playing with cars and the speaker was quoting a scripture or something where the name of Jesus was said. Andrew's little ears perked up and he suddenly got a sad look on his face and said, "Mommy, I wuv Jesus, I miss Him." It was so sweet and tender that I had to scoop him up and hold him and tell him that Jesus loves him too and that we will see Him again. I told him to talk to Jesus any time he wants to through prayer.
About a day or so later, we were driving in the car somewhere and again, he brought up Jesus. He understands that He died a long time ago and he understands a bit about the Resurrection, but he doesn't understand why Jesus is not here with us right now. He said, "Mommy, I want to give Him five." I didn't know whether to laugh or cry in that moment. It exposed his inner 3-year-old feelings, expressing them in the only way he knew how. I think I'd be safe in saying Jesus will be waiting at the pearly gates, hand extended up for a high-five for Andrew. I hope I'll be there to witness it, fully aware of what that will mean to my little Drew. I'm sure he'll be wearing the same perma-grin then as he did for Cosmo the Cougar, knowing he scored yet another "touchdown" of his own.


Natalie said...

Such a cute story...they are so sweet and it melts your heart when they say stuff like that! Every Sunday as I am trying to get Tate to sleep at church out in the hall...I take him over to the big picture of Jesus and tell him Jesus loves him. Every time he gets the biggest smile on his face.Last week however, he was not giving into the whole go to sleep thing , so I took him over to the picture again to get him to calm down and possibly be happy for two seconds. Well, as soon a I took him there, I said," Tate, Jesus loves you". He looked right at the picture and without any hesitation at all blew rasperries at the picture. I tried to not laugh, but it was pretty funny.

Kim said...

I love how our little ones bring us closer to the spirit. This was sweet. Thanks for sharing it.

Dainon. said...

Nicely put, Mel ... nicely put.