Thursday, September 11, 2008

We remember Sept. 11

As I was getting the kids ready for school this morning, I pulled out our US flag and positioned it in its holster on our front porch. As I chatted with the kids during breakfast, I asked if they understood why we were flying the flag today and what special day it was. Kendra's teacher talked about it with her class a few days ago, so she and I shared the details of Sept. 11, 2001 to captivated, wide-eyed Alli and Andrew. I guess I had not ever discussed this tragedy with the younger kids. We had a very open conversation about terrorism, death, pride for our country and everyday heroes. I shared with them my visit to Ground Zero and my feelings. Alli seemed surprised to hear that people died, to which Andrew piped in very confidently, "Yeah, but Dad saved you huh?" The only thing he was completely sure of was that his dad was indeed Superman.
Even as Todd now watches the replay of that tragic event on the History Channel, I feel a growing nausea in the pit of my stomach. That kind of hate and disregard for so many human lives is astounding and disturbing. I remember being glued to the television, unable to make sense of any of it for nearly a week. Our country came together for a brief moment, turned religious for a few weeks and then somehow, suddenly we forgot. Segregation and hostility crept in again and here we are, no more unified than we were prior to 9/11. Can we all just remember?
I hope the dialogue begun this morning with my children will continue not only about this, but with every major incident that so impacts our country, their future and any decision that affects how they treat another person.


Natalie said...

HEy Mel! I love your recollection of that fateful day...for sure a day we will never forget. I noticed on Dawn Harvey's blog she had a link to Sheldon and Sharlynn's you by chance have an email for them? I would love to see their blog and send them an invite to ours! Let me know...and check Em's blog...she had her baby Sunday!