Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Inspired at McDonalds

Monday was teacher development day for us here in Alpine School District, which meant my kids were home. After a few failed attempts to meet up with family or friends I took matters into my own hands and headed to McDonald's Playland for lunch--real original and real fun, I know.

While the kids were romping, sliding and laughing, I noticed a young mom who had come to do the same thing as me, with her boys, sitting at the table next to me. I kept trying to suppress the gnawing need to talk to her. Didn't work too well, so I struck up a conversation with the stranger next to me.

I won't go into detail about our conversation and the life story that she so freely shared with me, but suffice it to say I was touched. I was reminded once again how I should live my life, how forgiveness not only heals, but blesses. The lessons she learned and shared seemed to reach out, hold and teach my soul. Sure, she spoke of truths that I have known my whole life, yet somehow she seemed to say the things I needed to hear right now in my life. Funny how that happens. The Man needed me to learn something and He showed me where to find my lesson for the day.

So, in this ugly world where walls are growing ever-thicker and taller, don't be afraid to let someone in once in a while. Like me you might just be surprised by the connection that is felt and the clarity revealed. There might just be beauty somewhere in the ugliness. That's one lesson I decided right then and there to implement more fully into my living.

Sorry I didn't get your name, but thanks Stranger. . .


Ashcraft Family said...

I'm happy you had this experience. I've had these and I'm a better person for it. We can really lose out when we don't open up to others.

Melinda said...

Wow, I didn't know where this one would go. That is probably the only way I could get inspired at the golden arches. ; )