Thursday, July 29, 2010

Thoughtful Thursday

Mirror, mirror on the wall
Who is the fairest of them all?
Last week I held my 7 week old up to the mirror for the first time.
A miraculous thing happened.
He smiled! Really big.
Perhaps it was gas, though I doubt it.
Perhaps he thought he saw a friend.
Perhaps, and more believably, he is so happy to be here
enjoying this body for t
he first time
and so new to him.
Seeing this beautiful being that is him.
It reminded me
To smile in the mirror.
Because what I have, though not perfect, is

and indefinitely
So what happens to us over time?
Why does our mind distort the image looking back?
Will it be distorted for him in time?
I hope not.

Don't believe Hollywood, my boy.
Love your imperfections that make you unique.
So. . . .
What did YOU see in the mirror today?


The Williamsons said...

I doubt it was gas, too. What a doll!! :)