Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Turnback Tuesday

I firmly believe in vacations. There are precious family memories created during those respite days away, where you don't have the responsibilities of home or work looming over you and all you have to focus on is one another. The summer of 2008, we took our family trip to northern Utah. Though we had little money, we made the best of it and had a blast. We stayed in some run-down hotel in Ogden, visited some great museums like the Union Station Railroad Museum, the Hill Aerospace Museum and the very cool Treehouse Children's Museum and topped it off by camping at Bear Lake. It was a lot of fun to be had. The picture is from the Treehouse Museum and it is one of my favorites from the entire trip. It seems to highlight my kids' varied personalities and shows just how much fun we were all having. If you haven't had the opportunity to go to this museum, I suggest GO! It is so much fun! Where are you going this summer? Happy Vacating!



I remember camping alot as a kid, and we loved it! I didn't know we didn't have much money, it was just fun to get away! The memories are what is important, not where you go, but the fun things and time you spend with your kids! We have never been to that museum, we will have to check it out!

Robert and Kristen said...

I agree the Treehouse Museum is one of our favorites! We should all go sometime!